Get More Google, Yelp, Facebook and NextDoor Reviews Using Our Automated Platform

Review Management Module

Review Management Module

Everybody hates asking their customers for reviews. That’s why we make it easy.

When a job is completed and you indicate it is completed in Appointments Admin, the job is instantly added to the Review Request Queue.

Then, two days later*, an email is sent asking the customer to leave a review.

If the customer does not leave a review then a new email is sent to them every thre days* until either they leave a review or the entire allotment of emails is exhausted. By default this takes about 30 days.

If the customer leaves a review, it is only an Internal Review. It is simply stored in the database for your company.

If the review is 4 stars or more then the customer is take to a page thanking them for their review and asking them to leave a review at external sites such as Yelp, Google and Facebook (each of these can be turned on or off by you).

If the customer does not leave an External Review then, every 3 days, they are sent a new email asking that they leave a review on one of the external sites, with links to each site. This happens until either they leave a review or the entire allotment of emails is exhausted. Again, by default, this takes about 30 days.

At any time the customer can also click an opt-out link in the email to stop receiving further emails for this specific job.

* these are configurable

Review Request Queue

You can view this at any time to see the status of your customers in the queue. It will tell you their name, email address, whether they have completed an Internal Review, how many Internal Review reminder emails they have remaining, how many External Review reminder emails they have remaining and the date they are set to be sent the next email.

You can also manually remove them from the queue, indicate that they have left either an Internal or External review or both.


You can view the Internal Reviews left by your customers. The list will display their name, email address, the date of their review and the number of stars. If you select a review you can see the exact text of their review as well.

Email Setup

You can view the default set of Internal Review reminder emails and External Review reminder emails as well as change the color of the email header that contains your company logo.

You can also edit the existing emails or create new emails to add to the rotation.

The email messages support custom field codes. This allows you to add something like [FIRSTNAME] into the body of the email message and the system will automatically replace that with the customer’s first name when the email message is sent.

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