Reviews have become an extremely important tool for businesses. Consider Yelp. Once they were primarily used by people to review restaurants and hotels. Now ALL businesses are being reviewed regularly.
Yelp (and other) reviews are not only useful for people who use the Yelp web site or the Yelp app. When searching for products or services via Google, Yelp results are often displayed as one of the first few results. Many users will click on that link rather than selecting an actual company from the results. If your company performs well on Yelp then, sometimes, it doesn’t have to be ranked quite as high in the search results because users are clicking on the Yelp link in the search results and then finding you there.
The problem with reviews is that you either have to just hope that customers leave you a review or, better, you have to ask them to. However most people either don’t want to ask their customers to leave a review or they forget to.
Our platform solves this problem for you. Our Review Management module allows you to simply click “Complete” on a service appointment, or automatically based on a completed purchase or delivery, and the customer is sent an email asking them to leave a review and providing a link. This is for an “internal review”. It is only stored in your database. Only if the review is a 4 or 5 star are they prompted to leave a review on Yelp, Google or Facebook. If they don’t leave an internal review after the first email, they will receive an email every few days. If they don’t leave the external review then they will receive an email every few days. They can opt out at any time. Otherwise emails are sent until they “run out”. By default they will receive 10 emails of either type over a period of 30 days. We provide a default set of emails that can be edited by you. You can also create your own emails.
The Review Management Module is available as a standalone option
Our stats show that approximately 25% of those asked will leave internal reviews and 10% of those asked leave external reviews. If you want 10 Yelp reviews simply ask 100 people to leave reviews. The nice thing is that this is all done automatically. You don’t have to do a thing.
We have, however, found that offering something is most effective. Whether it is as simple as “leave a review and receive 10% off your next purchase” or “We will be randomly selecting one person who leaves a review to receive a prize”, we provide a simple method to run these campaigns. We can even take care of fulfillment of prizes such as gift cards. This is not offering a reward for only positive reviews which is frowned upon by Yelp.